The “Corredor Caribe”: Visioning and Scoping a Regional Green Tourism Corridor Connecting Cartagena, Barranquilla, and Santa Marta, Colombia


This workshop was held in Cartagena, Colombia, to plan out a portion of the “Corredor Caribe,” a regional cultural-heritage and tourism project aiming to integrate 23 municipalities on the Colombian Coast. The workshop focused on a strategy for the development of a green-tourism corridor connecting the cities of Cartagena, Barranquilla, and Santa Marta. Eparque presented on the importance of a socially and environmentally aware tourism strategy, presented case studies, and then convened a workshop to identify the high-potential tourist circuits and methods for sharing the benefits and responsibilities among the various municipalities.


Climate-resilient, Climate-Friendly World Heritage Cities


Culture Counts: Partnership Activities of the World Bank and Italian Development Cooperation on Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Development